Scrolls of Wisdom > Scrolls of Introduction




Dragonriders of Pern is a copyrighted creation of Anne McCaffrey and Todd McCaffrey. Winds of Fury RPG Forum makes no claim on anything they have written, ours are only the characters we have thought of and the weyr we have created to our characters. The game is an alternate universe Pern RPG, no book characters or locations are going to be used, most never existed or aren't remembered and no events of the books have occured. It is a completely different Pernese reality event- and history-wise. The owner of this site makes no profit from this forum.

The official birthday of Winds of Fury RPG is 19th of May, 2010 because that's the date the first real RP started.

In the case of various graphics, we have gotten the pictures from the web or had our resident artist create the artwork for us. If there is an image we have not credited properly, please let us know!

In case of questions, comments or problems, please contact the site's administrator via e-mail(

Keeper of Skins


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