Scrolls of Wisdom > Reference Guides

Linking Accounts -- Forum Guide


Since we're on brand spanking new software with some cool new mods, I figured some of you might be a tad lost on how to use all of this. Don't worry, I had a blonde moment or two too figuring this out, but I figured for all the people new to SMF it might be useful to get a walkthrough on how to link your Character (IC) accounts to your User (OOC) account.

Basically youwant to use your OOC as your main account and use your character accounts only for posting ICly (most of us anyway) with the subaccount mod, you can do so without having to constantly log in and out of seperate accounts. You use the one account and can then switch without ever having to log in and out.

Useful, no? I sure think so...

This walkthrough will show you how to link the accounts and how to use them afterward. It's pretty simple, and I have pictures! Get your popcorn out!

First off, make sure all the accounts you want to link are active. A simple login will suffice, this'll be the last time you'll have to log in and out of them all, so savour the moment. Then get logged in to your OOC account and go to the index of the forum.

For those of you REALLY not savvy on the jargon... this is what the index page looks like, except you'll have your name and avatar there and you won't have a mod/admin link in that row of links...

Now that you're there, hold your cursor over "Profile"

Then in the dropdown menu click on "Account Settings"

Then you'll find yourself in your user control panel which should look vaguely like this...

Here you hold your cursor over "Modify Profile"

In the drop down menu you select "Manage Subaccounts"

You'll get to this page, and here pretty much everything is explained as far as subaccounts go.

But me, being awesome, will continue to explain how to use this function. On this page you can scroll all the way down until you find a "Create/Link" button. Found it? Good, now click it!

You're redirectd again to a page where they ask for a name for an account and password. If you're making a whole new account you don't need to enter a password, if you are linking an existing account you will need to give a password twice. Also remember that for dragonriders the apostrophe should be left out as the software doesn't like them... So "R'der" would need to be logged in/on as "Rder"

And that's pretty much all there is to it! Now your accounts are linked and you can access the subaccount anytime from the top of every page, by switching. This is done via the "Switch Account" drop down next to your name.

Or, even easier, you can just hit reply on any post you wish to reply to and select on the Post Reply form with which account you want to post it.

No more login in and out, maximum effectiveness for your posting!


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