Scrolls of Wisdom > Scrolls of Introduction

Do you have the time?


Current Time In Game
Until further notice...

Year: 1758, the Turn in which the 7th Pass begins
Season: Fall to early winter.
Months: 10th, 11th, 12th.
Eye Rock: The Red Star glares down from the sky and is smack in the middle of the Eye Rock. The Pass has begun.
Weather: Fall is brief but beautiful at Enkala with the changing of the leaves creating an amazing view of the surrounding mountain range. The air is crisp and cooling, the occasional warm day slipping through the growing chill. Winter will soon be upon Enkala and both Hold and Weyr rush to prepare for it as harvests are gathered and supplies stored.

The Caldera Lake's water is freezing and not a thing to be swam by the faint of heart. Winter is coming.Will you be ready?

Also see: The Timelines Topic


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